Wild Wednesday ....

Today was absolutely gorgeous ... I just had to get out and enjoy the wonderfully warm sunshine!  

First thing this morning I took myself off to Jacobsburg State Park .... enjoying the wind in my hair driving with the top down on my convertible! I wanted to check on a few things at Jacobsburg .... including the frogs, birds and whether they have seen any Hummingbirds yet! They had their hummingbird feeder out but haven't seen any hummingbirds as yet! 

I also wanted to check to see if they had the picture of a hummingbird that I took last year on display.  They are using it for an interpretive display and are supposed to have it up by the end of May! I'm very excited to see it go up!

After returning home I sat out on the deck for a while reading the paper and then went back into the sunroom for the rest of the afternoon. I know I should be working on other things ... like vacation pictures .... but it's just too nice out!

As I was sitting in the sunroom I looked up at the bird feeders and saw something that I have only seen once on our property .... a male Rose-breasted Grosbeak! The one and only other time we have seen a grosbeak at our feeders was almost exactly two years ago.  I have added an extra of him that's probably a better shot than what's in my collage. 

When I told R about Jacobsburg having their hummingbird feeder out he got ours out and filled it with (homemade) nectar and hung it up out by the deck. Now it's a waiting (and watching) game!

Back blipped: May 6, 2018.

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