The Cuckoo Flower Patch

Awake at dawn, 5 am, but had  had 6 acceptable hours of sleep.

It gave me the opportunity to stomp up the drive (the sound of crutches stomping), and round the corner to the jitty connecting with the next road. On this jitty is a round open space which I assume was meant as a play area, although the biddies complained when my son and his friends went to play football there. The space is bordered by grass that has grown long. Contractors have not been round to mow.

Which is why you can now see cuckoo flowers (or Lady's Smock) growing abundantly there. Cuckoo flowers like to grow in the wet. No wonder our gardens are quagmired in the rain. They're not that common any more. On our front lawn  you will find primroses, cowslips and violets. So our housing estate was built on a pastoral meadow. We're lucky that wild flowers continue to grow.

Basil accompanied me. Normally he stays close to heel but this morning he was frolicking all over the Close as if it was his garden, chasing a cat and running over people's lawns. I was worried that he would continue to walk on, but he finally returned.

Len has gone swimming and I am going to have  shower. Yay! We tentatively plan to drive to Swithland Wood later to try and find some bluebells. Basil will enjoy the woods.

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