NO idea!

No idea why I press the shutter when I can't get the camera to focus ...... especially when I know I have two extension tubes fitted!

SWMBO headed off for 'afternoon tea' with MRS H in town ........... the drunken bums!

I was left to get Squirrel to gymnastics, take The Cygnet to The Larder for soup (for me) and cake (for both of us). He spent most of the time with his nose in a computer game.

After gymnastics were finished we came home and spent some time having competitions to see who could get spinning tops to spin for the longest (after The Cygnet had a melt down over a lollipop).
We then went down to the park for a while where he spent some time atop the climbing frame catching up with the gossip (after all - it was nearing an afternoon since he had seen his classmates!). After that he did some press-ups whilst his sister practiced her windsurfing techniques.

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