
By Nikksnacks

A-Z Food Challenge: Z is for Zambia

This is it! I've made it to the end of the alphabet! What a fun and interesting challenge it has been, giving me the incentive to find and cook new and unusual dishes, favourite foods that I have sampled on some of my travels, or to evoke childhood memories of certain food.

Tonight's dish is another simple, yet very tasty and comforting curry - a Tongabezi Chicken Curry from Zambia. Lovely flavours in the chicken curry and the pan-fried sweet potato & pumpkin slices provided a nice contrast to the light curry sauce (it wasn't a thick curry, though it could be if given longer to simmer on the stove).

So, what have been some fave highlights of the challenge? Well, for me, I think the challenge started off with a bang, with the Afghanistan dishes of Osh Pyozee (stuffed onions) and Bouranee Baunjan (aubergine stack) turning out beautifully; making Almond Croissants for France was incredibly time consuming but the end product was delicious; the Sabich from Israel was a delicious combo of flavours, and the Caramel & Coconut Pork Belly with Pomelo Salad for Vietnam was an absolute treat - who needs to dine out when dishes turn out that good at home!

So, what next? I'd love to do another challenge but think I'll give myself a little break. Being 33 weeks pregnant, I'm thinking I might have a bit of a detox and feed my belly a good dose of light, nutritious meals over the next two months (albeit with some yummy homemade cakes and bikkies when I feel the need to indulge!)

Thanks to everyone who kept abreast of the foodie challenge dishes and left lovely comments on my blips - it was great to get positive feedback! And if you have any ideas for the next foodie challenge, please do let me know!!

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