Bright and Beautiful

By ThingsBeautiful

Early morning sun

I've been awake since flippin' 4am, so much on my mind! Yesterday was such a busy day at work, and then I did the supermarket shop (after staying late), came home, had supper and went to bed! Really I should have properly unwound before going to bed.... ended up writing down ideas on how to improve my way of doing a certain part of my job so it doesn't take as long as it does in the middle of the night! (not helped by the fact that other's don't play their part properly) (basically collating statistics on something)....

Anyway, because I have been awake so early, I decided to try for a sunrise shot....

Checked the sunrise time on the BBC website. Walked a short distance down the road, but actually all was hidden by the trees, so came in and got the best I could by leaning out from the bedroom window.... Don't think this is a proper sunrise shot, maybe another day....

What the neighbours thought of a girl in her pjs walking down the road in the half dark, I have no idea (what a sight!!!)

I've put a moon here in my folio.

On the blipfolio subject, can anyone tell me how many folders I can have~it won't let me make a new one today?

So very tired this morning, hoping I can survive a day of home studying I need to do for my Footsteps course......

Have a great day blippers :)

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