Elif & Luca

I met Elif and Luca on the undercliff walk this morning with all three dogs and we walked to the cafe at Ovingdean where we sat and had a drink.  It's a week today since her dad passed away, and she's still struggling, but then not having seen him before he died, and not being able to go to his funeral, it's totally understandable.  

She's got a friend manning the shop for her at the moment as she's not in the right frame of mind to be there, yet she doesn't want to be at home either.  So a walk in the sun was a nice distraction for her.  It was really hot too, and by the time I went to work  this afternoon it was about 25 degrees!

When I got to work I had another session of scupuncture and tonight we've had a life-saving training session. We had lessons on how to use our defibrillator and also how to do CPR on an adult and also a baby - we had four 'adult' dummies and two babies to practice on, so now I know what to do!  

As the training was for a couple of hours from 7.15pm, Steve and Shaughan bought takeaway pizzas for us all to share from Fatto a  Mano which was nice of them. I didn't get home until 10pm though, so it's time for bed, ready to go back to work in the morning!

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