Desperately seeking

By clickychick

Any Way The Wind Blows

(Pixelfoto got me in Queen mode because she's in Barcelona.)

We were shocked when we got back from Scotland by how our lawn had grown and how many dandelions there were in it. Strange that, when tonight, I went out looking for a dandelion clock, I only found one!

Today I thought it was mild enough to risk planting out The Mate's sweet peas. We have had frosts at this time of year but, I took a chance! So good to be working outside! 

I would love to go to the holiday lodge with the strimmer, but I've never used it, or taken much notice of how The Man pulls the cord to get it going. Sorry, he has that long grass waiting for him when he gets back from his adventure with his brother!

Anyhow! I had a nice morning at the studio chatting to Hildasrose and Rob always nice to see them when they are up here!

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