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Feeling a bit buggy again today.  It was nice feeling well for about a week just after my holiday!  I did go for a (very short) walk at lunchtime (and got this photo in the process).  Spoke to my Mum this morning, and she's a bit poorly too, with another infection.  Poor Mum.

I had a very exciting message on Instagram this afternoon.  I'm not actually sure whether I'm supposed to say, but I can trust my Blip mates, right?  I've been selected to be the Barbican Centre's Instagrammer in Residence for June.  Eeeeee!!  I'd entered a photo way back in November and was sure that by now they must have already contacted everyone who'd been successful (they were looking for six people - one for each month from Jan-Jun), so had long given up hope of being picked.  So it was a lovely surprise!  Looking forward to finding out more about what it entails.

Tim was very excited for me too, and set up a sweet little surprise for me when I got home.  Then spent an unglamorous evening pairing socks and putting away a Tesco order...  :)

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