Life's Little Moments

By dbifulco

Happiness is...

First off all, happiness is family. But heat, power and water are near the top of the list and we got ours back at about 11 this morning!!!! My neighbor had just brought us a bag if ice and were we're standing in the kitchen commiserating when suddenly the heater and lights came on! We screamed and did a crazy little dance around the kitchen.

The first shower in 5 days was pretty close to a religious experience as was being able to shed some of the many layers of clothes we needed to stay warm. We are still without Internet so I will be blipping via iPhone until that's back ... But at least I am clean and warm!

So my offering today is my MIL and me - this is as close as I will ever likely get to a self portrait as I hate having my picture taken. But I wanted a shot I'd Virginia and I - so I held the iPhone at arms length and ...presto!

My husband is leaving tomorrow morning to drive Virginia back home to Alabama. I know this will be her last trip up here so this is a bittersweet day. Her Alzheimer's is progressing quickly now which is mostly a curse but sometimes a blessing. She has no recollection of being cold this week or of not having lights or water so I guess that is the small blessing. Very small.

Thank you all so very much for all your comments and concern this week - you have been a huge source of comfort and encouragement to me. Commenting will be sporadic as I am limited to the phone and the frequently poor 3G until our Internet is back.


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