
By Houseonahill6

The happy couple

I had not really planned to watch the Royal Wedding and was surprised that it started so early. I was in the garden enjoying the sunshine, doing some tidying up and thought I ‘d check what time things got started . So from 11.30am I was hen hooked and we all sat and enjoyed the wedding of Harry and Meghan. What a beautiful service with a very passionate address by The Most Reverend Bishop Michael Curry from the Us Episodical Church, did not think he was going to stop but it did put a smile on your face :)
Lovely choice of music and very different with a gospel choir and a piece by 19 year old cellist , Sheku Kanneh-Mason while the happy couple ( and they did look very happy) signed the register.The flowers were beautiful especially at the entrance of the chapel. The dress simple and stunning with flowers embroidered into the view representing flowers from the Common Wealth.The 10 bridesmaids and page boys were adorable, wish we had seen more of them, a carriage ride for them would have been nice to see.
Lucky to have amazing weather with clear blue skies.As the couple road away from the Castle in their splendid carriage pulled by four Windsor Grey horses it really did like look a scene from a Fairytale, it did remind me of Shrek more than Cinderella though just because of the vibrant colours I think.
In the afternoon we had a quick drive over to Muir of Ord to drop off some forms for Brownies.We drove back through Scatwell , over the dam and through little Scatwell. We spotted a group of Gnomes at the side of the road, including a Bride and Groom so perfect for today’s blip.
A quick stroll at Loch achility where we saw a slow worm wiggling it’s way across the path, the first I’ ve seen in Scotland.
Must remember to order a Royal mug to add to my collection.

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