Saint Winefride

We had a fantastic night at the Sushi bar in Liverpool last night, the food was amazing, it was a very late night. I was the driver so of course I was up bright and breezy this morning.
Mike didn't surface until this afternoon nursing a monumental hangover. That'll teach him ha ha says she who of course never gets in this state

I left him to it and went out to take some photo's of St Winefride's Well which is a stone's throw from where I live

When I arrived I asked if it would be ok to take pictures, the lady I spoke to was very upset and told me that travellers had visited the shine on Friday and rather than put the candles in the iron baskets they had put them directly on the wooden plinth directly under the shrine, the wind must have blow and knocked them over and they set light to the plinth, only for the builders who were working above who noticed the smoke and raised the alarm, the damage could have been much worse.

They have got to send in estimates for the repairs, and they asked me if I could take some photographs of the damage for them, I told them I'd be only too happy too. Quite a lot of smoke damage which will require specialist cleaning. I will get them to them tomorrow
The Story (If anyone wants to read)

Saint Winefride was a legendary 7th century Welsh noblewoman who was canonized after dying for the sake of her chastity. A healing spring at the site of her death is now a shrine and pilgrimage site called St Winefride's Well in Holywell, known as the Lourdes of Wales.
According to legend, Winefride was the daughter of a Welsh nobleman her suitor, Caradog saw red when she decided to become a nun, and he decapitated her. Her head rolled downhill, and, where it stopped, a healing spring appeared. Winefride's head was rejoined to her body due to the efforts of her uncle, Saint Beuno, and she was brought back to life. She later became a nun and abbess at Gwytherin in Denbighshire, and Caradog, cursed by Beuno apparently melted into the ground.

I've heard from Paul, a terrible line. Just to say he was ok and in amongst giraffes, and elephants. I've got his BPFO address and I've just sent him an e-bluey with some photo's of Paige attached as she's been here for a while this evening.

I'm just off to watch Lost so will catch up later on.
Hope everyone has had a great weekend x

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