
...he’s tall but not that tall, this pic is giving that impression, he’s slightly taller than the trees, lol.

Perspective is everything, I was sitting on a bucket, Oor Wullie style when I took it.

We had popped down to do some watering at the allotment...there are the beginnings of some tattie shaws coming through there.

A nice wee day, run for me first thing, Church and Sunday Club with the wee fella. The wee fella was then needing a wee visit to his favourite coffee haunt so he MrR and I headed into The Burgh for a coffee where he did some drawing and MrR and I read our books. A grand way to spend an hour.

Home for dinner, allotment...get ready for the week ahead.

Grateful for a lovely Sunday filled with more fun activities and some necessary ones...laundry:-)

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