Welcomed Again

This happy colourful sign first went up in Wotton under Edge back in 2015, and covered an ugly sheet of plywood that had been in situ for the previous eleven years. It was at this point that the local authority cried foul, as the building it was on was listed and there had been no planning application. To howls of disbelief it was removed, revealing the plywood in all it's listed glory.

As I came home from a bimble around on Morrigan I noticed it was back. It may have been back a while, in fairness. Nonetheless, I was pleased to see it. Apparently, someone is now complaining it makes the place look Communist! The wording above the temporary sign sign ;-) reads "enjoy warmth and hospitality in good measure and meet the kind of people you'd like to meet". 

Oh, aye, that's troubling talk alright... 

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