Building Sn3 and N Worlds

By Stationmaster

The next N Scale project

We got home from a long trip and am recovering from jet lag.  8 days of fun plus altitude adjustment.  And I missed modeling so have been thinking about the next project(s).  Yes, I do have several small ongoing projects, but here are the next three big ones.

1. The blip is of my station platform at Glenwood Springs.  Needs a station building (old Showcase Miniatures kit) instead of the paper stand-in.  Also, the Railway Express Agency has a small warehouse  to the left and that needs to be built, as well as a couple of REA trucks.  So those two buildings are next.

2. The extra blip on the left is the second project - the lumber mill at Rifle.  I am tired of seeing the log pond just a hole, and the building needs to be built.  It is an N Scale Architect "Long Valley Lumber" kit with lots of extra details to do.  Will be the largest building I have done yet on the N scale layout.   Once that is built, I can finish the scenery on this part.  I still have a smelter to build in the back - another craftsman kit (box of wood) so will wait - have to spread those out as they are a ........ you get the picture.

3. The right blip is completing the Sn3 rail yard scene.  Needs several buildings done which I have kits for so should go fast.  Once they are built, I can finish the scenery in that corner.  Also will add trees and have a few cottonwood trees to do (Scenic Express kits).

This should keep me busy for awhile this summer.

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