VERY uncooperative insect.

Three musketeers' trip to Gait Barrows National Nature Reserve on what might become an annual pilgrimage in search of the Orchids ("Gait Barrows National Nature Reserve is a Natural England site renowned for its limestone pavement and rich wildlife, including the very rare lady’s slipper orchid.)
Since I was still only plodding I sent Jerra & Clicky on, using the, I thought, valid reasoning that; since I had seen them once & Clicky had not, the logical course was for them to flog on & me to trail behind at my "best speed".

Thence to "RSPB Leighton Moss" for a spot of "bird"-watching. I spent more time insect watching I resisted a comical urge to exhibit a photo of a one-legged, headless, Heron. I relented and DID add the invisible Blue butterfly (See extra, there IS a butterfly there!)
Urgent message to ALL lepidopterists:-
Do you think you could, possibly, maybe, include photos of your wee beasties with wings CLOSED? I might then be able to identify it then. 
A wee bit of a disjointed entry today, more so than usual; inasmuch as the "Chaser" Dragonfly was in Leighton Moss 
( guessimetrically - a Broad-bodied Chaser feel free to verify here also the "Cardinal Beetle "- totally new to me.
and the Butterfly from Gait Barrows, seen on a patch of Bird's-foot-trefoil. You can have NO idea how long it took that name to surface from the depths learnt in early childhood.

OH? The uncooperative bit? It persisted, at every flight, to land where I could SEE it, but not get a decent angle on it, and NEVER its back view.

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