Nir Levy Photography

By nir

Super Bowl & Homework

Didn't get much work done in front of the TV, it's good I did work before hand, but there is still much to be done. I didn't go out because of my workload. I regret it. It was a fascinating game and I got into it, especially considering I don't follow sports at all.

Tomorrow I have a Bachman Youth Fund Meeting after school which brings up today's word of the day. *cheers and applause fill the room*

[quote]Bachman Youth Fund: I am on the board with about 20 or so selected high school juniors and seniors. Together we decide how to donate $30,000 towards local charities on behalf of the Bachman Family. It is an incredibly rewarding experience and a chance to actually have a difference. Last year we purchased an all-terrain electric wheel chair for an organization that allows families to borrow them for a limited time, we donated money to go towards allowing paralyzed kids experience a summer camp, and one more organization I regretfully can't remember. Last meeting we decided which organizations would recieve applications and this time we get to pick which applications are good enough (not the right word) to invite them to make a presentation.[/quote]

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