Starry Flower Friday

Today is National Fish and Chips day - it is always the first Friday in June. When I worked for Lee, we would do special offers and promote it. It would be such a busy day that we would need extra staff on, and we would still be rushed off our feet.

The shop is now run by Ahmed again, and he has zero interest in gimmicky things like this. Consequently there are no offers or promotions at our shop, but I'm sure there are at others in the area. Therefore, also consequently, there have also been very few customers at our shop this lunchtime! I wonder what the evening shift will bring?

Last night Lee and I were rushed off our feet - not just because of customers, there were other jobs to do, and the customers we did have all wanted awkward things! There will be just us tonight too, so it would be good if it was a bit less stressful and annoying than last night was!

I took this shot on the way home of a plant that I'm sure is classed as a weed! I really liked its little starry flowers! This is my Flower Friday contribution! Thanks to BikerBear for hosting!

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