Showhouse for a Cure

Each year in Milwaukee a house is chosen as the “Showcase Home” —each room is decorated by a different designer and then people buy tickets to tour it, with all money raised going to the Medical College of Wisconsin to fund it’s cancer research. The tour goes on for two weeks, and over 6 million dollars has been raised since the tours were begun. With both my parents having died of cancer, & Tom battling it now, I never miss the tour. Two of my friends and I went through this beautiful 9,400 square foot home today. It was built in 1876 as a wedding gift from wealthy Chicago businessman Gilbert Collins to his daughter. Over the years it’s been a home, law offices, real estate offices, a dental office, a medical clinic, and now a home again. Amazingly, in spite of all the businesses that came and went, it retained it’s beautiful original woodwork, original light fixtures and fireplaces. After the tour we went to lunch and did some shopping in the third ward...all in all a fun day!

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