Daffodil Art ...

It has been snowing here but it is nit nice snow if you get what I mean, it is not settling nicely or thick. How inconsiderate is that, haha, all I want is some snow images.

So I took a quick photograph of a tiny daffodil but the lighting wasnt very good so I did this, which I think doesnt look to bad for a quick blip for today.

I had to go to the Doctors as I have had a bubbly tummy for a couple of weeks and I look six months pregnant (not that I am I rest asure you, haha) the Doctor says I have Irritable Bowel Syndrome and that I have to take some tablets for a month, I dont really anything about the condition except my belly is swollen and I have a stomach ache and I dont feel like eating and I get indegestion. I do hope it gets better soon.

I am going to the Camera Club this evening an Open Print Competition I am using my image called Circle Of Life image.

Fingers crossed.

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