
By Bom

A surprise visitor

As I'm decorating today and not going out, and as I'd stocked up the feeder with monkey nuts, I thought I'd put my big lens on the camera and set it on a fast shutter speed so I could take a photo of Peanuts the Jay that visits my garden. I was taking a short break for a cuppa and looking out for Peanuts, when something small a metre away just outside the patio doors caught my attention. It was too quick and too close to capture at that point, but I got some photos when it was by the door to my garage and by the back fence. I'm pretty sure it's a stoat - I've posted another photo as an Extra so you can see the black tip to its tail. It looked slightly panicky as I think it was looking for a way out. What a surprise little visitor. I'm not sure whether it qualifies for Tiny Tuesday, but I've tagged it anyway and thanks to jensphotos for hosting.

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