The accidental finding

By woodpeckers

Fallen asleep

We discovered this year that the religious organisation that my late father was associated with in Bath, while living in Mexico, refers to deceased members as having "fallen asleep". We also found that our own father had "fallen asleep" in 2001. Father's Day, which is a bit of a sore point with me (because I sell cards and work in nursery so I can't escape it) will be sad for me this year. All the years we didn't know him...

I worked all day today, then had Midazolam training, then walked home. After a couple of hours of lazing about, I went to take a photo in the cemetery nearby, but could not go far because I was expecting a caller. It struck me that this toppled-over headstone had also "fallen asleep". When I fall asleep, I'd quite like to rest here, too. Either here or at Achnaba cemetery beside my female relatives. Both places are green swathes of tranquility.

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