Most day in bed ......

I did sleep in the night, but every move is painful. I have to totally rely on constant painkillers in order to walk, sit or do anything.
Bending, lifting is impossible!

I texted Viktoria in the morning that the shoot will defo not take place today and went back to bed.

I spent almost all day in bed on am electric heated pillow, which seemed to help.

We went out in the evening, as I was close to cabin fever and we walked down Byres Road, had a coffee, an ice cream (a huge one!), picked up the prescription and walked over the Westend Festival.

Back home I felt ok for sorting a few things and we tried to locate the other photographer's shooting location via U-Tube and google earth.
I think we have a better idea now where to leave the road and once we are back from Berlin in July, I will drive again to Glencoe to look for it!!
I will make sure not to cross any streams over slippery rock though!

Blipping my huge ice cream tub from famous Nardini's with the Festival in the background. I was not very creative photography wise. 

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