
This is our garage, and hopefully Jon is going to be able to transform half of it into a cloakroom and small utility area. Along with all the other things we are trying to fit in to our busy lives! It has to happen this year, as Dan will be home soon and we only have one toilet. We've coped so far but this will be a life changer for us. Lots for Jon to do, but I know he can do it. Here we were deciding where the toilet and sink should be positioned.

Very busy again at work, but I have the day off tomorrow so had to get specific things done. Mollie came to Norwich with me and did some successful shopping. At lunch we met and went to John Lewis where I bought a washing machine. I say bought, but it's on my credit card. We can't survive indefinitely without one. It will be delivered in a week.

My book (I can't help smiling when i say that) is dropping onto the doormats of many loyal friends today. I know, because they tell me on Facebook. It's a great feeling, but I'm also anxious in case it doesn't meet expectations. THANK YOU again to everyone!

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