Life's Little Moments

By dbifulco

Lost his head...

Well, not really.  But seriously, it's a little shocking how far into the nestlings gaping mouth Papa Tree Swallow jams his head!  And if you look closely, you can see that Papa has wisely lowered his niscitating membrane to protect his eyes.  Cool stuff.

We set out for Jackson Bottom Wetlands this morning, always a favorite spot with much to see.  We wandered for several hours, taking time to watch the many nesting tree swallows, as well as roughly 29 other species of birds, two snakes, several swallowtail butterflies and a bunch of nesting mason bees.  Very fun.  

Quick break for lunch and then off the Fernhill Wetlands for another couple of hours.  The tootsies started to complain so we eventually headed to the car and on home.  Tonight we are off for Lebanese
food for dinner - always a favorite.

And, the plan for tomorrow is the head to the Portland Zoo for the morning.  Rain showers are expected in the afternoon, so we'll see.  Having such a great time with Hubs and my parents and cherishing every moment.


See Extra for a shot of Junior waiting for Papa to deliver... And for a Mama Killdeer with one of her three tiny chicks.  You may have to look closely for the little chick as it blends in very well.

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