A view from Jeanneb

By Jeanneb53

Cream teas, Ghost trees and

Lots of birds!

Our walk this morning from Barden Bridge to the Cavendish Pavilion and back creates a circuit of The Strid. There were eight ladies and three dogs and I can tell you it was done at a pace! We left the cars at 9.00am and were back at 10.45 and that includes a loo break!

On parking I immediately spotted several Greylag geese families. I counted 23 young of different sizes. There are about 18 in the extra.
Striding out we passed some very spooky trees completely enveloped in a kind of web. You could see caterpillar like grubs inside the webs and the trees looked pretty dead.
See Wilsden Walker https://www.blipfoto.com/entry/2451897178361168550
A distinct smell of garlic in the woods even though the garlic flowers have gone over and ducklings on the way back but no sign of the Mandarins we normally see here.

The big treat is a cream tea in the Tea Cottage at Bolton Abbey on our way back. Delicious as always and the tangy blackcurrant jam is the perfect foil to the clotted cream.
Lots of little birds after crumbs including this young Robin. Just couldn't resist him so he is my blip despite the other great sights.

Thanks S, Wilsden Walker, as ever for organising and thank you K for my lift.

That's not the only indulgence today. Curry tonight with friends from the Bingley Community Choir group. One of the members has organised a meal at the Shimla Spice in Shipley. Yum!

Great start to the weekend. Hope you all have a good one.

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