
This morning was a struggle. A busy day yesterday with travel, then a late night (2am local time by the time I got to bed), sunrise at 5am, not enough sleep and trying to adjust to the 2 hour time difference...

Eventually hunger got me out of the apartment at lunchtime (late breakfast time according to my body clock). I’m staying in the same neighbourhood as I did 3 years ago, so getting my bearings has been easy.

In the late afternoon I went for a long, slow walk through the Senamiestis (Old Town) to the Independent Republic of Užupis, and then back by a different route. It has been a beautiful day (sunny, 26⁰c and breezy) and the city wore it well.    

The Blip is a just a typical Senamiestis scene, looking along Šiaulių g.. The church is Vilniaus Visų Šventųjų bažnyčia (All Saints Church - it’s Roman Catholic.)

With being spoiled for choice of Blips today, I’ve stuck in 3 Extras.

The first is Užupio Angelas (Užupis Angel). The bronze angel, created by sculptor Romas Vilčiauskas, has become the symbol of Užupis.

Next is a statue of Adomas Mickevičius (1798–1855). He was a Polish poet, dramatist, essayist, publicist, translator, professor of Slavic literature, and political activist. He is regarded as national poet in Poland, Lithuania and Belarus. It’s a long story...

The last is some 20th century heritage. Vilnius has a long Jewish association and history. 80,000 Vilnius Jews died in the Holocaust.

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