
I've been very organised today in light of having to cover this afternoon shift at work.  I needed to go back to M&S to change some of the things I bought yesterday, and I also had a parcel to pick up from the Amazon locker at the marina.  My choice was to nip out first thing, then come home and pack before going to work, or pack and head out earlier and go straight to work afterwards.  I decided it was better to go out early while it was quite, and it was the right choice as I parked easily and was in and out within the hour.

On the way home, I stopped off at Ovingdean again to finally blip the poppies.  There were a lot more white ones today, but my favourite is this one of the lone white poppy against the red.  As much as I love them, I really react to their pollen though!

So, back home to pack and then I left for work about 1.30pm and once I got into town, I had to laugh as there were so many foreign students trying to cross the road that the light went from red to green and back to red again , there were so many of them!  But the best of it was, that there were too many of them to stand on the island in the middle of the road!

Work was a doddle - we don't have any doctors working on a Friday afternoon and there were only two consultants in, so as much as I wouldn't like to work that shift as a regular, it's not bad for a bit of overtime.

Back home and I went straight upstairs to finish the packing - I could very easily have gone and sat in the garden,  in the sun and opened a bottle of wine with Alan, but then I wouldn't have felt like doing anything afterwards.    So I got everything sorted apart from the toiletries which will have to wait until tomorrow, and then I ordered a Thai takeaway that Alan went to collect, and then we opened the bottle of wine.

My exciting news is that my earrings arrived from Prague today!   I was so happy!

I've caught up on commenting somewhat today, but I'm highly likely to get behind again.  I will post my blips, but I'm sorry if I don't get chance to comment on yours - I will pop in everyday and have a quick look though. 

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