The Lighted Life

By Giacomo

Americana Overload

I thought that on the eve of our election, I would try to capture a bit of Americana. This is Mickey's Diner in Saint Paul.

While I love our democracy and our freedom of choice, I will be delighted when this election is behind us. Somehow I do not think that founders of our nation would approve of our current election process. This Presidential campaign has been underway for two years and the total spending between both major parties and their affiliates is approaching $2.4 billion. Another $3.3 billion is being spent on other races and the election process itself. In my opinion, our election system has spun out of control and I have to believe there is a simpler and more efficient way to select our representative officials.

And then I think of what else that could be done with the money and human-power spent by the campaigns and my head starts spinning even more. There are three million homeless people in America right now and - on any given night - over 600,000 of them are not able to find shelter. Perhaps a cause such as this (or any other worthy cause) would be a better use of people's time and money.

Thank you for the wonderful comments and such on my blip of Gabriella. She really enjoyed reading them with me this evening. In this image I tried to process it with a 1950's deco-photorealism feel but, as you have figured out by now, I still do not have a very good handle on post capture procedures.

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