Lady’s Glove

I’m not sure if a foxglove is considered a weed or a flower or whether it is considered more famous for its toxicity or as a beneficial source of digoxin, but I couldn’t help thinking that in whatever category it was placed this specimen thrusting it’s way through the railings of a garden in Marchmont was beautiful.

I made my escape this morning when His Lordship took ‘a wee turn’ and decided to do a deep clean of his study, which meant the contents were removed to the hallway and the rugs beaten out in the fresh air while the floor was washed. I did suggest that if he so felt the urge, he could do my space too, but I was over chancing my arm there and the urge had dissipated once his room was reinstated.
He is now holding, justifiably, the moral high ground while I am feeling a teensy bit sluttish as I sit in the midden of my own corner.

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