Tiny Tuesday - Tiny Treasure

The theme today calls for a favourite tiny thing - a souvenir or treasured keepsake. Back before they were films, back when my George Allen and Unwin copies were intact and legible, way back in the mists of time... I bought "the One Ring". 

Not at all solid gold, with flaming writing that only became visible when dropped into fire, and not imperious to a few scratches or even becoming a tad oval... sadly it didn't make me disappear either. But still, I was always content with a silver copy, and tried to work out how the engraving had been done on the inside... lol.

Nowadays, my pet rock Horace sits on it. He doesn't go invisible either. At least, I've never seen him being invisible... hmm...

Straight out of the camera, no cropping. Busy day today. So far I've chaired a local liaison group, had a meeting about the village hall and carried out a staff appraisal of my one staff member! Tonight there's the full Council meeting and I have War and Peace to print off between then and now.

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