Life's Little Moments

By dbifulco

...still no Internet?

Another day without telly or Internet, but I'm surrounded with heat and light so I am not complaining. And I am getting more familiar with the iPad apps for photos which is probably long overdue.

Thanks for sending the blue jay to the spotlight - they were back today begging for more fame, but I had to give some time to the dark eyed junco here. The juncos are also called "snow birds" because they migrate to our area from further north in the winters. They are ground feeders, in the sparrow family, and it is unusual for me to get a shot of one perched like this.

A friend who owns a farm a few miles from us came over today to warm up, recharge electronic devices, and work for a few hours in the warm house. Im so glad that we could help out in some small way.

I am still behind on comments - the 3G went south last night and I was reduced to looking only on my iPhone. Maybe better luck tonight.

Some of you asked about the length of the power outages here and wondered why it is taking so long. The problem is that there are so many downed wires, and even poles that it is taking a lot of people-hours to find and repair everything. We have work crews here from all over the country helping our local power companies but it is slow going. And the situation is made worse by continued gas shortages meaning that some of the repair trucks can't immediately get gas. Just a terrible situation in all respects. And, now we have the threat of another big storm system heading our way.

Hoping you are all having/had a great Tuesday...


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