Rather bedraggled

Last day of the conference today. A good Symposium on chronotherapy, or restoring circadian rhythms using light.one of the presenters has done work on light therapy for postnatal depression, and says it appears to be similarly effective as antidepressant medication.

The final paper was on resilience in children. Like the symposium on light, it gave me things to think about. Should help us into the future.

After the end of the papers, S and I did the Golden Circle tour. Started with the bus being too small for the group. Had to change the bus. Finally got away in the rain. By the time we reached the first stop, it was sunny. Great tourist half day. We saw a large waterfall, a geyser, and rifts in the earth’s surface.

During the afternoon I saw this unknown small passerine hoping it could get dry. I also saw a different duck and drake, a gaggle of Icelandic geese, a raven (or rook): and a black headed gull.

More busyness tomorrow.

Additional: I have had a wee look at sites to identify birds, and think that the bird in this photo is a Redwing. The geese that I saw, I believe to be the Greylag goose, and the duck is the Harlequin duck. The biggish black bird was a bit far away to be sure. It sounded like a raven, but it’s beak didn’t seem quite right.

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