Edible world

By RawAppetite

Apple crumble with custard - warm(mmm...).

Until last Sunday when I attended someone else's raw food class (nice to be on the other side of the counter) I'd never really thought about making custard. It was never something I was particularly fond of (unless it was baked in a tart, that is). The teacher made it with mangoes (primarily for the colour, I think). Nice as it was, it didn't really work for me. When I got home I looked up raw custards and loved the sound of making it from lucuma - which is what I tried today.

I have the sniffles (outrageous, as I never get colds), so I turned to the comfort of an old-fashioned pudding. I put it in the dehydrator to warm through and I must say, it was rather soothing and not at all cloying. The custard was rather beige-looking and tasted rather more of banana than lucuma, though still pleasant. I'll work to improve it.

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