Thank You For the Days ..

By Fyael

Birds of a Feather

I was going to turn this into into Mono for the Monday challenge, but I decided I didn't want to lose the blues, I think they are  what drew me to this tile in a craft shop in Oslo.

This morning I opened the door expecting to see Ian who cuts the grass for us. Instead there was a smiling couple, saying 'Do you remember us?'  Well, truthfully, I didn't - though there was something vaguely familiar about them.  It turned out we'd met them on a cruise up the Baltic  - for two weeks we shared a table at dinner. We'd exchanged contact details but we hadn't kept in touch, and that was five years ago!

I felt rather embarrassed! But they came in and had coffee and we chatted for a while, and it was very pleasant.  A strange coincidence that the tile was bought on that trip.

It's a miserable cold windy afternoon here. I am wearing two sweaters and two pairs of socks - and I've just lit the stove! Midsummer next week??

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