Journey Through Time

By Sue

Swans at Ridgefield NWR

Bill and I went to Ridgefield Wildlife Refuge today. It was a grey day but that didn't stop the people or the wildlife from showing up. There were quite a few cars coming and going and we finally found out the reason when we got nearer to the end of the auto route and saw the activity with the tundra swans. They were quite active, these huge birds, flying in small groups from one pond to another. I did delete quite a few photos that were out of focus or just too far away to be much of anything, but if you care to see what I saved out of our little foray to the refuge, please visit my Flickr page. There are a some scenery shots and also a couple of hawks having a dust up of some sort.

Aren't feathers and wings just the finest invention in the natural world? Don't we wish we had some once in a while? I do.

I'm gonna make Shepard's Pie with Guinness tonight. Yum.

We will alternate with a bit of election news and then watching our International Househunter's we have recorded.

Catch ya later, my friends.

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