Tufted duck

Last morning in Iceland. Went out early, before breakfast, to the regenerating wetland by The Pond. On the way, I walked past The Pond, and saw lots of mallards and a half dozen or more Tufted Ducks. Later, I saw them diving. I also watched the terns hovering over the water before diving to catch small fish.

After lunch we went to the airport, and flew back to London. A number of circuits before landing. Relatively quick passage through passport control, got the checked bags, and then out to meet S’ cousin who drove us in to stay with her and her husband. From the balcony on the flat I took the extra of the Hammersmith Bridge.

Tomorrow we head to Oxford to meet with Arachne. When she came to NZ some years ago we missed each other due to commitments and free times not matching up.

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