Everyday I Write The Book

By Eyecatching

Temporary loss of control

Therapy comes in many forms.

I was sitting downstairs with a cup of tea between 2am and 4am. Tea is therapeutic. As is writing. Sleep also, so I was glad to get back to bed. I still got up at 6am to make TSM’s lunch. First rule of a temporary loss of control. Try and have goals and a routine.

Next up was dejunking the bedroom. Very successful. Except it now feels a bit too spacious. But I have a vision. I’m having quite a lot of visions at the moment, some of them good, others not so much.

We also now have a Turkish tent in the garden. Well a bit Turkish. Certainly a delight.

Listened in to an nhs pensions seminar this afternoon. Helped with the visions.

Collected The Dizzle’s car from the garage. Finally fixed. Hope it lasts.

Took the train up to London to see Mr B.This was planned therapy. It’s called seeking wise counsel. Very helpful. Good to talk as they say. We have stolen a lot of horses together. He is still on the NHS up escalator, I am hoping to take the express lift down to ground level. I hope we both get what we want. Neither of us was drinking. Second rule of a temporary loss of control: no alcohol. Gives you too many of the wrong sort of visions.

Had vegan food in By Chloe as I was in the area. Treating yourself is therapeutic, so I also took some cakes home by way of homework. But it’s a funny thing sitting there on your own. I felt very strange, like a different person, and realised I hadn’t spent much time alone with my own head space recently.

This chaotic sculpture can be found in the grounds of st Johns Church opposite Waterloo station. Sums up how I feel about work and it’s impact on normality. Also gave me a flashback to when my parents argued when I was a child and my mum literally tipped the dinner table over.

Trains buggered up at Waterloo. Chaos. The guard on the train I eventually got on apologised for the overcrowding. "This should be a ten coach train but some muppet sent five of the carriages to the wrong platform." Nice to know I’m not the only one having control issues.

Now heading home to TSM and the family. Third rule of a temporary loss of control: feel the love. Best therapy of all.

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