
I had to go to the bank today - the local RBS. Deposits to be made.

Just after lunch they had only 2 desks open and about 10 people waiting. Banks seem to have given up on service, or have I reached the grumpy old man era? I don't believe it!

By coincidence the renewal of my (small) business overdraft facility came in today. HBoS now wants 7.5% over base if I'm within my authorised limit. When I started 6 years ago it was 2.75% over base. I've never exceeded the limit. Not sure I've ever got close to it.

I suspect I used the facility more when it was cheaper, so quite possibly HBoS gets less money out of me now than it did 6 years ago.

I didn't feel like queuing for 10-15 minutes at RBS, so fled to Dysart Harbour for a coffee, a biscuit & fresh air. And a Blip.

A real November day. Gloomy. Windy. Yuk. Plenty ships at anchor in the bay - on the horizon.

Where is your horizon today?

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