Gently down the stream

By Miranda1008

Could do better

..something I endlessly got in my school reports.  'Could do better if she tried harder'.  Such a stupid thing to say.  Who couldn't.  Ever.  About anything.  In fact, if you couldn't say it about everyone, the conclusion must be we'd be little automatons. 

Which rant has been prompted by the fact I went to the Cathedral Close this morning to check on when the runners would be finishing 'Race to the King' at the Cathedral's west door, the end point of a double marathon.  Apparently top times for finishing are between 8pm and (could she possibly have said?) 3am tonight, armed with which info I decided I'd fail and not go down to blip them coming in.

So, hoping to catch the runners who like me, could definitely have done better if they tried harder use the option to split the run over two days and finish tomorrow, instead I turned my attention to blipping in the High Street.

I don't know the name of this man, but he's often in the precinct and today gave me a smile for the camera.  I was pleased to get his portrait.  The rest of the day has been spent in rather idle, suitably Saturday fashion.

Don't forget, the second WildflowerWeek, WFW02 ends today.  I'll award hearts by Wednesday.  From tomorrow your wildflowers should be tagged #WFW03  :))

Enjoy your evening  xx

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