Making progress

As you can see by Jon's beaming smile, he is very pleased with himself. I'm feeling very proud of him too. He has so many skills, and as a qualified carpenter in addition to everything else, he has competently built the stud walls for our cloakroom. He just has to add plaster board and we will have a room!! Then he will move on to the plumbing. The pipes need to be moved around the wall so that a sink and further round a washing machine can be plumbed in. The waste for the toilet will need a big hole to be drilled in the wall, then connected to the main waste pipe. He wants to tile before we do any of that, so we will go and choose some floor tiles that we will use throughout the new entrance utility room and cloakroom this week. I just want the cheapest. Jon has layed ceramic floor tiles several times before so will do it really quickly I'm sure.

I spent the morning making dinner - i made a spinach lasagne inspired by the lovely one i had at Karen's last week. Then i did some weeding round the conservatory while the football was on. Jon and i did listen to it on the radio as we worked. We went in to see the goal replays! A late lunch, we did watch the last 15 minutes.

I have a lot of spare veg plants and had a brain wave mid way through the day. The soil that the boys dug out yesterday is in a big pile in the chicken run. I thought I coukd put it to good use through the summer by planting it up after levelling it. I'm pleased with it. I should have some mange tout now close to hand. Then Jon wired in my (new) old cooker and I cooked the dinner.

After dinner in the garden, which the family enjoyed but I said was nowhere near as nice as Karen's, Jon and I took an evening walk around the village, via the allotment. Raspberries are starting to ripen, but in general the plants need water. We moved the hens again. They are very happy. They are hardly eating any layers pellets, which I presume is because they are eating all the greenery now. They are still laying well, so seem happy.

I've enjoyed a nice bath and will need an early night. My hayfever is heightened and eyes in particular are itching.

Did i mention yesterday that I've hit 50 book sales!!! If you haven't got your copy yet.....why not??? ;-)

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