Another token exchange

An interesting day on the railway at Wittersham Road. I had a trainee with me who was only really just starting his box practicals. If I was hoping for a relaxing day, my hopes were dashed.

It was a fairly uneventful morning with trains coming and going as they should. Then the Signal and Telegraph team turned us and started doing stuff with signal wires and posts. Then the Forestry Team arrived to do some work on the track necessitating warning drivers.

Then as this train passed we noticed 2 door handles not properly closed which meant a quick dash into the box to put a signal back to danger to stop the train. The train stopped and we were able to close the doors properly and send it on its way.

Finally, more work by the S&T on the the signalling system meant we were in suspense for a while as works were completed and we could finally switch the box out and go home.

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