
A Virginia Opossum to be more exact. I came upon this little girl this morning wondering aimlessly in the middle of the road in my neighborhood. I was driving to my 'last' Physical Therapy session for my knee (4 months at the end of June) and of course had to stop. No adult in sight and no siblings to be seen. So I used a  'dog' towel to move her off the road and into a yard with a lot of trees and undergrowth. On my way home, a couple of hours later, there she was in the middle of the road again. So I scooped her up and took her home. She ate some chicken and 3 grapes and now she's taking a nap. I have a call in to our Wild Animal Rehab Center and I'm waiting for their call back. They'll probably tell me to relocate her to a wooded/wild area. Watch this space. So far it's been an eventful birthday and it's only noon! ;)

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