
By Ashleyn15g

Munchkin’s and Highlanders

I woke up to what surely felt like a designated lazy day! The night before, someone had come to buy the truck at 12:30 AM. I'm glad Juaquin stayed up and waited for them, because I wouldn't have been able to stay up! 

Juaquin woke up a few hours later than I did, but I was glad because it gave me time to start laundry, and get the RV cleaned. I also sat on my phone researching my "mom vehicle" choices. My research had lead me from, Toyota RAV4, to Ford Escapes, to Nissan Muranos, to Buick Enclaves, to Ford Explorers, until my heart had come to settle on a beautiful brown limited platinum Toyota Highlander. It was in wonderful condition, and not far out of our price range! Even more, it was in Pleasanton. 

When Juaquin woke up, we discussed the days plans. We tried playing the new Munchkins game, but ended up giving up since we couldn't figure out the rules. He definitely wanted to take me to go see my dream SUV. I was still hesitant, because we didn't necessarily "need" it right now. It also drank more gas than the original idea of a RAV4. However, it was way more spacious for Ella, and I could envision my little future toddler riding around with me and her friends. Her Aunt and Uncle, and little cousin could fit as well if we ever wanted to go on a little trip together. It also had plenty of room in the back for all of Ella's tennis equipment. Perhaps, my favorite was the panoramic sun roof. It truly did seem perfect!

Juaquin finally convinced me to go, and we were hoping it would work out to visit his brother and sister too. They were on the way back from Cameron. We wanted to give them their anniversary card, and play games.

When we got to the dealership, they were quick to inform us that someone had taken the Highlander for the weekend, and was very interested in it. My heart sunk. We were shown a Jeep Cherokee, but where were my panoramic sun roof and back row seats. It just wasn't right. Worse off, we found out that the Pursch in Pleasanton was 6k below market value because it had been sitting on the lot and it was priced to sell. Anything in the price point was a few years older, had more mileage, and was a LE or XLE. All i could do was hope that come Monday, they decided not to buy it.

Juaquin took me to one of our favorite Mexican food places from back in the day to try and cheer me up. It almost did the trick, but afterwards, I got a chocolate extreme from Dairy Queen just to make sure. 

Right when we got to the Floresville exit, Juaquin got a text from Rosalinda saying that they were nearing town. We made a U turn and headed to the in laws. 

We had fun catching up and visiting. They gave Juaquin his birthday card, and we gave them their anniversary card. Afterwards, we played Munchkin. Is it bad, that I think we love the brutality of the game?

Still crossing my fingers that I get the Highlander!

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