There are limits to its splendour

Up early for my run once again. I run in the morning partly out of habit, partly because I enjoy the morning light and air, and mostly because a morning run sets me up for the day. It energises me, and sets the brain and the body into work mode. I function better and any stresses are more manageable. I tend to think of my runs as rather self indulgent.

Yesterday the world watched as the United States re-elected their President, Barack Obama. Many of us cheered, not because he's the best; but because he was better than the alternative.

On my run this morning the rising sun was only visible to me in snatches when buildings were not in the way. I liked this picture, for the narrowness of the gap through which I saw the sun, combined with the unmistakable power of the sun. It made me think of the title of a novel based around Edward IV of England; The Sunne in Splendour. When checking that I had remembered the title correctly, I discovered that "The Sun in Splendour is a heraldic device or charge. It consists of a round disc representing the sun surrounded by numerous rays, usually wavy or alternating wavy and straight, and sometimes showing the features of a human face".

This picture shows the sun with limited surrounding rays, a narrow ambit (from my perspective of it), and yet clearly a powerful source of good for us all. I could not but help think again of Obama, and hope that his supporters' hopes are realised.

This week has been notable also for the arrival of A Fine Line; published by the NZ Poetry Society. Dear S was the featured poet in this current edition. The centre two page spread of her poems, and hers alone. Well deserved.

Time now to go and prepare a meal for the two of us.

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