Viaduct Basin reflections

A tiring day, all told. Woke at a good time for a morning run and went down to the Viaduct Harbour precinct where the early morning sky was still being reflected in the still water of the Basin. S and I both like the mix of vertical lines and the boats.

Then, to work where I had one patient to see, plus some letters and reports before heading to the Family Court to be cross examined on a report I wrote. Waited for almost three hours past the appointed time and while waiting had to deal with the MacBook Air freezing on me. Nothing I did would unfreeze. Rang for advice. All they could suggest was bring it in.

Then I had a thought. Perhaps I hadn't turned off the mouse properly and it was interfering with the touch pad. Investigated. Found that not only had I not turned it off, turning it off unfroze the computer.

If this sort of thing keeps up I may be asked for my advice when things go wrong. Not that I would trust me.

Now I am going to have a quiet time relaxing with dear S who has had another poem published, with two more accepted by Poetry New Zealand, a highly respected long standing journal which is just for poetry. And the publisher of her collection seems to be progressing things very quickly. Really wonderful news for her.

Good large

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