Gently down the stream

By Miranda1008

Magazine face

I asked this young woman if I could take her picture at the bus stop this morning, returning home from the first of my day's many journeys.  She would never have made it as a catwalk model, she was much too small, but her face was exquisite, I thought - cover material.

It has been (and still is) a very busy day.

I have no wish to go into a hundred boring details, but will just mention that Sis, Jax and I had a lovely light lunch at The Chestnut Horse pub at Easton, where afterwards we had another stunning sight of a kingfisher (sans camera, sadly).  It is V's birthday tomorrow, hence the celebration.

Amongst other things I still have to walk the dog and water the garden, so I'll sign off now and will hopefully talk to you later  xx

WFW02: Results
Once again, chosing from the wonderful selection of wildflowers has been very hard.  Please bear in mind that the results are only my opinion and other people might have judged quite differently.  However, later this evening hearts (in no particular order) will go to:


and honourable mentions to:

#WFW03 entries accepted until the end of Saturday

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