Me, My Camera & I

By notgraham


Its a while since I've seen this mural in Linlithgow Train Station. 
I don't normally travel through by train. Usually the car is more convenient, but when requested to be through this evening it was the more convenient method of transport.
Convenient, yes. Pleasurable, no. Comfortable, no.
The air conditioning wasn't working optimally, or it had the power of an asthmatic mouse moving air in a crammed coach.

Today has been the hotest day in record. And the trains were supposedly suffering from it. Cancelled services due and speed restrictions on the majority of the line.

Surprisingly the 1815 Glasgow train I got left on time, if a bit cramped, only to be made worse at Haymarket. Supposedly the line was restricted to a 60mph limit, but it didn't feel like that was the case. Got through and was where I needed to be when I said i'd be there.
Did some IT magic and got the train home. 
Seat this time and only a brief wait for the bus home.

Anyway, back to this mural. It's been there for years. I think 1985 is ringing a bell. It's been cleaned up over the years, but in essence it's all still there. 
It was something I passed every day from 1992 -> 1998 while I went to school. Nice to see that despite other remediation works in this a station, this wee bit is still there. Still in all it's splendor.

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