
By Ashleyn15g

An Escape & A Surprise

Breakfast at the hotel was incredible! They had just about any breakfast food your heart could desire. The jams and syrup were made locally, and the butter freshly churned.

After our first round, we went back for seconds. I had a brilliant idea. I would take the waffle and put it through the bread toasted oven. I stood there waiting for the mother and her daughter to finish. Suddenly, they looked around. “Grab a server!” The mom shouted. Black smoke puffed out of the machine. The little girl had stuffed a large puff pastry inside and it had caught fire. Moments later, the mom and girl left.

The problem with this was, I was determined to have my toasted waffle, so I wasn’t going anywhere. The staff ended up thinking I was the one who caught it on fire along with the onslaught of curious other hotel guests. I finally got my toasted pancake so I couldn’t care less.

After resting the remainder of the morning we headed to the escape room down town.

Juaquin and I played connect 4 as we waited for Rosalinda and Luis to get there. I beat him 3/1.

They got there and moments later we found ourselves trapped in an old bank with the instructions to commit an old western bank robbery.

It was our first game in more than 6 months, but we weren’t rusty at all. After blowing up the safe, we slowed down quite a bit. We struggled with a scale and type writer. There was a moment when I think all of us thought we weren’t going to make it.

Somehow we did. Luis cranked the code into the safe and it swung open. All that was left to do was to escape with the money. We took out the guard, and made it with time to spare.

Sneaky Juaquin had a surprise birthday party planned at home for me. He did a great job covering it, and even asked Rosalinda and Luis if they wanted to go play Munchkins at the Dragons Layer. They refused and headed out.

I wanted to go get my free dozen of chocolate covered strawberries at Edible Arrangements, but Juaquin “claimed” to be feeling sick. I then tried to force medicine on him. Poor thing has to throw it out the window.

He stopped at a gas station on the way home to get tea to make him feel better. He also grabbed some of my favorite chips. Had he opened the tea when we got back to the truck, I wouldn’t have suspected anything! But, for a second I thought, maybe he was stalling or maybe he needed to get the chips for a party.

It didn’t make too much sense though, since Rosalinda and Luis said they had to get home to the baby. Dad said he’d probably still be at work, and mom said she was just about to take a nap, in a too believable voices.

Sure enough, when we pulled up I recognized Luis and Rosalinda’s car. I got a huge smile on my face. Juaquin is too good to me. He had quite a proud grin on his face.

They yelled surprise when I walked in. How much fun! My family along with Aunt Gloria and Uncle John and Rosalinda, Luis, Emmanuel, and Arlene all were there to celebrate.

We had pizza, bundt cake, and the perfect end to my birthday weekend!

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