
By Ashleyn15g

Doggie Groomer Day!

Drake and Elena both got hair cuts today. Hopefully, it will be more comfortable for them and less sand and stickers in the RV for us!

I was super worried because when I dropped them off, there was a note to do some trust tests on Drake. I guess he didn’t do too well last groom. He already bit someone at Petco and is on their black list, so Petsmart is the only one left.

I crossed my fingers as they ran their hand over his back and legs. It wasn’t till they reach his paws that he showed some teeth. They said they’d try it, but might have to call me to pick him up if he goes to bite.

I never got that call and when I picked them up, she said he did wonderful, but she just couldn’t get his paws. She did make it down the legs which is more than anyone else has been able to. Now he looks like he’s walking around with little fluffy slippers.

They never enjoy the hair cut part but they both seemed to really enjoy my new “mom” vehicle. Drake is so photogenic.

We have another class tonight. It’s on medical intervention. It’s the last one for awhile, so I’m excited! They’ve been great but working from 5:30-4:30 and the having class from 6-9 has been exhausting!

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