Millpond x2

I visited the Millpond area on the River Cam twice today. First at lunchtime with Katie, talking about her upcoming relocation to Dorset, and getting very messy with coleslaw and flatbread. In the evening it was a colleague's leaving drinks so it was back to the same patch of grass (avoiding thistles and cowpats) along with some cider (which acted as dinner) and excellent conversation with Isabel from Spain and Quentin from France. Unsurprisingly for an international organisation with representation from all over, the vast majority of people are strong europhiles. It was great to hear their perspectives and get to know them better as our work in the office doesn't overlap much.

The consistency in the hot weather for this great run is what's striking and unusual. I am absolutely bloody loving it and I feel in holiday mode.

The photo hides the heaving mass of people out enjoying the Millpond. They were there in droves during both visits.

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